Subject: Urgent Request for Reinstatement of Funding for the Child Law Project
Please edit the following and email to Minister O’Gorman on Wednesday 6th November at 9am
Email address:
Please also CC your local TDs a s representatives.
Information regarding the Child Law Project;
Dear Minister O’Gorman,
I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent decision to withdraw the €200,000 in funding for the Child Law Project, a decision that jeopardizes the future of a vital resource for our children and families. This project, which has operated as a labor of dedication and passion over the past decade, serves an essential role in protecting the rights and welfare of some of our most vulnerable young people.
The Child Law Project provides transparency, advocacy, and legal oversight in child protection proceedings, and without its presence, the public will lose critical insight into this area of our justice system. Its work has informed policy, shed light on systemic issues, and held decision-makers accountable, all of which contribute directly to the betterment of child welfare in Ireland.
Minister, the value of this project far outweighs the financial support it requires. I strongly urge you to reconsider this decision and reinstate the €200,000 funding that sustains this critical initiative. Its absence would not only be a setback for those who have dedicated themselves to this cause but, more importantly, a loss for the children and families who depend on this oversight and advocacy.
Thank you for considering this urgent request to ensure that the Child Law Project can continue its invaluable work for years to come.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Full Name]
[Your Constituency]
A Aire O'Gorman,
Táim ag scríobh inniu chugat chun mo mhíshástacht a léiriú maidir leis an an gcinneadh maoiniú de €200,000 a tharraingt siar ón 'Child Law Project'. Is cinneadh é seo a chuireann acmhainní riachtanacha i mbaol dar bpáistí agus teaghlaigh. Tá an togradh seo ag feidhmiú le díograis agus paisean le deich mbliana anuas chun cearta agus leasa cuid de na daoine óga is leochailí inár sochaí.
Soláthraíonn an Tionscadal Dlí Leanaí trédhearcacht, abhcóideacht, agus maoirseacht dhlíthiúil in imeachtaí cosanta leanaí, agus gan é, caillfidh an pobal léargas criticiúil ar an réimse seo dár gcóras ceartais. Tá a cuid oibre tar éis eolas a chur ar bheartais, léargas a thabhairt ar shaincheisteanna sistéamacha, agus lucht déanta cinntí a choinneáil freagrach. Seo iad na rudaí a chuireann go díreach le feabhsú leasa leanaí in Éirinn.
A Aire, tá luach an tionscadail seo i bhfad níos airde ná an tacaíocht airgeadais a theastaíonn uathu. Molaim go láidir duit athmhachnamh a dhéanamh ar an iarratas práinneach seo chun a chinntiú gur féidir leis an Tionscadal Dlí Leanaí leanúint lena gcuid oibre luachmhar ar feadh na mblianta atá le teacht.
Is mise le meas,